Do You Have Chiggers in Your Grass? | Full Guide

chiggers in grass

Chiggers, more commonly called red bugs or harvest mites, are tiny mites that live in grass and leaves. They lay their eggs there and wait for a body to come along so they can feed on it. Chiggers do not fly and cannot jump from host to host; instead, they wait until an animal or human passes by and then climb on board quickly. The good news is that chiggers don't transmit diseases like mosquitoes do. The bad news is that they're itchy little buggers who will make you miserable if you don't get rid of them fast.

Which type of grass do chiggers like?

Chiggers, also known as harvest mites, are small arachnids that live in tall grass. They do not like to be exposed to the sun, which is why you find them living on tall grass that hasn’t been mowed or fertilized. The chiggers will also hide in the less-fertile parts of your lawn where there isn’t much water available for growth.

How to identify chiggers in grass?

Chiggers are arachnids, not insects. They are about 1/8 inch long and red or brown in color. Chigger larvae resemble ticks as they have eight legs and two body segments. The head has six eyes (compared to the two found on ticks). A chigger's mouthparts aren’t visible from the outside, they typically feed in the area between skin cells using a tube-like mouth structure called a stylet that can pierce through human skin. This is why chiggers are sometimes called “red bugs” or harvest mites because they tend to feast on crops like wheat after harvest time when farmers cut down their fields and leave behind these pests for unsuspecting hikers, campers, and others who cross paths with them later on in the year.

How do you get rid of chiggers in grass?

The easiest and most effective way to keep chiggers out of your grass is with a repellent. These sprays are applied directly to the grass, preventing chiggers from entering. They typically last for up to 30 days, but it's important to remember that no product can guarantee 100% effectiveness against these pests.

There are different types of repellents available for use in areas around your home or yard:

4 tips to help prevent chiggers in grass

Chiggers are tiny mites that live in grass and lay their eggs in the soil. They jump onto humans and animals, who then carry them elsewhere when they brush up against the grass or plant where chiggers are present. Luckily, there are several things you can do to help prevent chigger bites.

  1. Keep your grass short: Chiggers like tall blades of grass because it's easier for them to lay their eggs here; if you keep your lawn clipped short, however, this will make it more difficult for them to do so! On top of that, shorter grass means fewer places for your pets (or other animals) to sleep, and therefore fewer opportunities for chiggers to bite themselves onto another animal. This tip also helps prevent ticks from being able to attach themselves onto pets as well, which is a major win-win all around.
  2. Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants: It is always best to wear long clothing that covers most of your body whenever you go into grassy areas.
  3. Use organic pesticides for chiggers: Certain pesticides are not good for your lawn. Choose a pescticde that is organic in nature. This will not hurt your lawn while controlling chiggers.
  4. Use insect repellant with deet: Insect repellents work by disrupting the nervous system of insects. They do this by either paralyzing them or causing them to become confused. This causes them to stop moving and eventually die. When using insect repellent, always follow the instructions on the label. Do not apply directly to skin and never apply over cuts or wounds. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor before applying any product containing DEET.

What do chiggers bites look like?

Chiggers bites are red, itchy and sometimes painful. A chigger bite usually starts out as a small spot on the skin that grows into a larger, red bump. The swelling often causes pain or burning sensations. Some people have bumps that look more like blisters than raised areas of skin. The bumps may also be hot to the touch, which indicates that they're infected with bacteria from chigger mouths.

If you want to know how to prevent chigger bites, read this article i wrote on the matter.


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Hopefully by now you know how to identify, get rid of and prevent chiggers in your grass. These critters are annoying to deal with but not impossible.

About Author:

image of Kevin Pommells

Hi, I'm Kevin Pommells, a lover of camping and the great outdoors as everyone says nowadays. I'm also a passionate soccer fan and the proud owner of, a website dedicated to helping campers and outdoor enthusiasts make the most of their adventures. With years of experience exploring the wilderness and a deep love for the sport of soccer, I'm always looking for new ways to combine my two passions and share my knowledge with others. Follow me for tips, tricks, and insights on all things camping and outdoor recreation.

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